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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to Make a Portfolio

A portfolio can be a proof of the skills and abilities, which you have mentioned about yourself in your resume. However, many people keep wondering how to make a portfolio. This article will answer some important questions related to portfolios such as how to make a design portfolio, how to make a fashion portfolio, how to make a model portfolio, etc
How to Make Different Kinds of Portfolios?

How to Make a Portfolio for a Writer?
Now, let us understand how to make a professional portfolio for a writer's position. To make a writer's portfolio, you should collect all your previously written content and sort them out as per the various forms of writing. You should form separate files of prose content, poetry,
novels, fiction, short stories, etc. Now, place a copy of your resume and see to it that your portfolio covers all the points mentioned in the resume. If anything is missing, try to include it in your portfolio. You should prepare your portfolio as per the requirements of the organization where you will be giving your interview. If the requirement or vacancy is for short story writers, then you should have maximum copies of the short stories which you have written. If you have received any kinds of certificates or appreciation letters, then they can also be a part of your portfolio.

How to Make a Portfolio for a Model?
Many budding models are quite confused about how to make a career portfolio. For models, a portfolio is more important than for other professionals, because the modeling agencies and companies take a decision to promote a model only if the photographs in the portfolio are found to be impressive. You should ensure that your portfolio is professionally done and for that, you need to hire a professional photographer. You should include photographs in different poses, expressions and clothes in the portfolio. Do not finalize a photograph for the portfolio unless you are fully satisfied that it is your best one. For a model, good close-ups can create a good impression and help him/her get several coveted modeling assignments. You should consult a well known make up artist who can make you look the best for the photographs. More on
fashion modeling.

How to Make a Portfolio for a Chef?
Now, let us understand how to create a portfolio for a
chef. For a typical chef portfolio, things such as the details of recipes of different foods and certificates of your training course, should be included. You should write the recipes in a systematic way by clearly, mentioning the ingredients required one after the other, followed by the complete procedure for making the food items. However, you should remember that the actual food items prepared by you will be tasted before selecting you for the post.

How to Make a Portfolio for an Architect?
An architect must have a well designed portfolio of his previous tasks while applying for a job. The preparation should start by sorting out the different types of projects you have designed. You should have details of the residential projects, commercial projects, I.T. Parks, etc. which you have successfully designed in the past. With the help of the portfolio, the recruiter will be able to arrive at a conclusion of whether to select the candidate or not, quickly

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